Gloomhaven music note
Gloomhaven music note

gloomhaven music note

So that's all of the good, how about the bad? Well, honestly, at this point, just bugs. The mechanics of most classes are so significantly different that the novelty and excitement of unlocking and getting to try these new, different classes is amazing. Most significantly, your characters will all have life goals and when they complete them, you'll unlock completely new classes to play (there are 6 starting classes and 11 locked classes). Additionally, you'll improve the town itself over time, which unlocks additional items for purchase. All that being said, there are some RPG-like elements in the sense of the campaign progress: you earn gold and experience with which you improve your character over time. You'll evaluate the board and try to figure out the best way to get through the room, killing the enemies while taking as little damage as possible and expending as few resources as possible. You won't be rushing in with your tank, healing them with your healer, and dpsing with your damage-dealers. It's not a puzzle in the sense that you have to solve pre-created puzzles, but rather the stamina and action system will make turns and scenarios into combat/optimization puzzles. Do note that this is less RPG and more "puzzle" than you probably expect. Gloomhaven is probably the best turn-based tactical dungeon crawler of all time. If you've never played the board game and have no idea what I'm talking about, whether this game is interesting to you or not is just going to depend on whether you like turn-based tactical dungeon crawlers. And the extent to which the game recaptures and recreates the board game campaign is more faithful than I ever could have imagined it would be. Additionally, the game looks good, which is certainly pleasant. The time/effort saved by not having to manage the monsters means I can do 2-3 scenarios here for every one scenario I would have done on Tabletop Simulator.

gloomhaven music note

Additionally, the game As a big fan of the board game who primarily plays solo, this game is amazing to have (this game can be played in multiplayer as well, but I have limited experience with that so I can't speak to it personally). As a big fan of the board game who primarily plays solo, this game is amazing to have (this game can be played in multiplayer as well, but I have limited experience with that so I can't speak to it personally).

Gloomhaven music note